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Table 3 DSS, DMS, RQLQ(S) scores* and percent well days during the grass pollen season

From: A phase 3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of grass allergy immunotherapy tablet in subjects with grass pollen-induced allergic rhinitis with or without conjunctivitis, with or without asthma


Placebo (n = 166)

Grass AIT (n = 163)


95% CI for difference

P value

DSS, mean (SE)

6.06 (.40)

5.69 (.39)


[-0.41; 1.16]


DMS, mean (SE)

1.47 (.22)

1.07 (.20)


[-0.05; 0.85]


RQLQ(S)† score, mean (SE)

1.44 (.12)

1.36 (.12)


[-0.16; 0.32]


Percent well days, mean (SE)

26.03 (3.13)

27.44 (3.29)


[-8.56; 5.73]


  1. *Scores were adjusted using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model, with treatment group as fixed effect and pollen region as random effect. †RQLQ(S): number of observations: placebo = 840, Grass AIT = 801. AIT Allergy immunotherapy tablet, CI Confidence interval, DMS Daily medication score, DSS Daily symptom score, RQLQ(S) Rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire with standardized activities, SE Standard error.