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Table 1 Comparison of obesity/overweight and other baseline characteristics of male University of Glasgow alumni (1948–68) with male Scottish Health Survey participants (1995, 1998, 2003)

From: Examining if being overweight really confers protection against dementia: Sixty-four year follow-up of participants in the Glasgow University alumni cohort study


Glasgow Alumni

(N = 9547)

Scottish Health Surveys

(N = 2362)

Age (years)


Mean (SD) Range

20.5 (2.7)


23.7 (4.5)


Father’s occupationa

I (high)

N (%)

1836 (20.0)

128 (6.6)



3276 (35.7)

301 (15.4)



3401 (37.0)

946 (50.0)

IV + V


669 (7.3)

577 (30.0)

Physically inactiveb


N (%)

1049 (12.7)

1346 (57.0)

Body mass index (kg/m2)


Mean (SD)

21.6 (2.2)

24.5 (4.1)



N (%)

35 (0.4)

219 (10.0)



N (%)

647 (6.8)

871 (39.9)

Pulse rate (beats/minute)


Mean (SD)

74.5 (10.3)

70.3 (11.4)

Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)


Mean (SD)

130.7 (13.1)

127.0 (11.1)

Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)


Mean (SD)

77.2 (8.6)

65.3 (10.4)



N (%)

3019 (33.3)

884 (37.9)

Drinks alcoholf


N (%)

4483 (54.4)

1605 (75.2)

  1. aCategorised according to the UK Registrar General classification of occupations into I (professional), II (intermediate), III (skilled), and IV + V (semi- and unskilled). bRecreation categorised as insufficient, in the examining physician’s opinion (Alumni) or less than five episodes of moderate physical activity per week (SHS). cBMI ≥30 kg/m2 for obesity, BMI ≥25 kg/m2 for overweight. eCategorised as any or nil. fCategorised as occasional/regular or nil (Alumni) or at least weekly (SHS)