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Figure 7 | Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine

Figure 7

From: Biological constraints limit the use of rapamycin-inducible FKBP12-Inp54p for depleting PIP2 in dorsal root ganglia neurons

Figure 7

Endogenous FKBP12 protein levels are significantly higher in DRG neurons when compared to HEK293 cells. A) Western blot of HEK293 cell lysates (from 4 separate cultures) and DRG lysates (dissected from three 8-week old WT mice) probed with antibodies to FKBP12 and beta-actin. B) Quantification of the FKBP12 protein levels, normalized to actin loading control. ***p < 0.0001. C) Section from WT DRG immunostained with antibodies to FKBP12 and counterstained with DRAQ5 to mark nuclei. Scale bar, 20 μm. D) Dissociated neurons stained with anti-βIII Tubulin (a neuron-specific marker), anti-FKBP12, and DRAQ5. Endogenous FKBP12 is present at much higher levels in neurons compared to non-neuronal cells (tubulin-, DRAQ5+ cells; p < 0.0001). Scale bar, 10 μm.

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